Mathematical Dyslexia Is There Such A Thing As Mathematical Dyslexia?

Is there such a thing as mathematical dyslexia? - mathematical dyslexia

Speak with a brother with severe dyslexia, I realized that the treatment of a number of exactly the same way words properly treated. I can do more things in my head, but the second I turned on the paper .... Disaster.
With the help of a formula and a calculator, I can do exactly what the formula in question, but noooo idea what the answer is, what it is.

When I write a phone number, I will the number of forward and backward. However, I remember talking to a number and correct.

I always wondered if they have researched this issue and whether or not developed any programs to the numerically challenged.


G W said...

Try out the site and forum Dyscalculia

pioneer_... said...

Yes, it is called dyscalculia. I've had since kindergarten. However. I learned about mathematics, and then use a calculator for math. I also use digital clocks. Most of the time, so my mental disability is not detectable. I worked in the offices of the Central assistance. My boss does not matter how I define the get an answer, I understand, and I am in time for the post. The success is possible.

jdeekdee said...

It's called dyscalculia. Do a Google search for information about him. Even if you have questions or need help, go to the forums. People who are here to serve you! There are programs to help this year and the people in this forum can give you more information -- ...

Are you in school? If so, contribute to this situation? Are you in special needs education in order to help this? In the public schools are not required to assist with a particular problem when the students in special schools.

justmein... said...

Dyslexia can affect how you see the numbers as well - not just your cards

There are also the so-called dyscalculia

lordreit... said...

It's called dyscalculia. Welcome to the club.

danadevi... said...

I have no idea whether these things exist. But I have problems with numbers. I am constantly investing numbers. I can read correctly and correct to say, but if I write something that is contrary to the rule, if you really what I concentrate.
I'm just glad that someone is my problem. I left university, because I had to take to advanced algebra. I could not handle it. I knew how to get the answers, but not on paper. I have to deal with this for many years. I'm 36 now. I thought I was stupid in math. Now I know I'm crazy. Other people also have problems.

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