Garage Building Plans If The Car With Automatic Gearbox Brakes Down Inside The Building's Garage How To Pull Or Push It?
If the car with automatic gearbox brakes down inside the building's garage how to pull or push it? - garage building plans
I beg for more information if someone is driving at or after leaving the underground garage in the building when the car suddenly brakes on auto gerbox and how to remove them? With manual transmission you can be neutral and drive, or driven by another car. My family had this experience after the entrance to our apartment, lived the car had advised a halt and had to be pushed into our parking lot because the car is a manual.
If you can, put the key in the ignition, turn without running and carrying out the transmission in neutral.
However, if your transport is not permitted to move the park, otherwise, you should try something else. Before the adjournment the end of the drive wheel and the trailer, there is another option. What I do is for a version of "Shift Lock" or other similar mechanism in the vicinity and around the shifter. Also in your owner's manual looklook. What do you do this change allows park overlooking a mechanism to prevent you can do in the event of failure.
If you can not change the park for any reason, is worth trying this new method.
There are several factors at play when the vehicle is front-wheel drive, which can be carried out and push forward when the rear wheel can be accessed from the rear.
Hope this helps
Turn the key activated - the lever into neutral
As the car's gear shift - "N", the role is
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