Commercial Lending Rates Who Gets The Profit From Interest Base Rates?

Who gets the profit from interest base rates? - commercial lending rates

Ive just mind theres a huge fraud right under their noses. My house cost 100,000 were told that 6% per year if the base rate. However, if inflation is 2%, in 4% more to pay the account. Who receives the benefit. Bank of England is actually in fact the government pay the interest in possession? or if not all of our real interest?
I've also asked why other institutions do not trade below the base rate is high when becas as the company continues to make loans may actually lower an advantage?
Now I realize that people buy the houses to the right to make profits, but those who are forced to mortgage "with a base rate is now twice as fast as tireless. Where are all these interests are going? The government is interested in all computing?
I've never thought of, but in the beginning to understand that someone is getting richer while the poor get in my 1000 pounds of payments for the month of interest!


Funny Lad said...

You pay interest to your lender if you borrow money, then you are out of my pocket, but if you then save you money. So banks are not really much profit ..... I think if you make the amount of credit outstanding work = money to lose the amount of savings = money. I think the course will be a total for the benefit of the small bank.

Steve B said...


If you buy a house that you get the best deal of a lifetime.

It is too difficult to explain .. is a basic course in economics in evening classes or a scholarship to college.

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