Real Estate Investment Tools How Much Do Successful BOOK AUTHORS MAKE???

How much do successful BOOK AUTHORS MAKE??? - real estate investment tools

I only read books about real estate. And indeed, I found a bug in the system, I noticed that nobody has a book about a discovery I made and have been identified as an investment vehicle with over 400K written by me, used successfully in the past two years. This loophole has for centuries. I know that this information is kept private reason is that the people know more about him, the more difficult to make large amounts of cash. I searched the published information, but said there was nothing to read. I, however, acquire more knowledge, through my Real Estate Attorney.

If the state where I live, some people find what I'm doing, and I think my income for many, I would like to use a book for everyone in the United States as a tool to make $ publish to. I know that I am litterally in one million. No one does what I do. What income for a book-selling Real Estate?


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